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♥Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's the new year of 2009. Many things are happening in 2009. argh!

Last year was quite a curcial year for me.There's Joy and Sadness. Softball competitions and N levels. Many things had happened in the team. That's the past already. Now everything is okay and hopefully it will go smoothly. I made a deal. Giving up is extremely bad. Always have that determination in mind!! I got to know that. I got to be assertive! That's what miss Tham said.

Goals for softball 09
O's to get below 17

Being Loved at
Thursday, January 01, 2009

♥Monday, December 22, 2008

First and foremost, praise the Lord, I've promoted to Sec 5. Thank God for my N level results. I got 10. Just at the dot. It's really risky man. Without God, all things are impossible. Thank you God for guding me through the exams. Thank you teachers too. Especially Mrs ng, my Maths teacher. You did your best as a Maths teacher and form teacher too. Always encouraged us to do our best and not giving up. I appreciate it. Mrs ng and Miss Christine Tan said to me that I could have done better, without all the careless mistakes. Mr Goh said I need to balance all my subjects. It is an important year, 2009 which I had to take my O's. Chinese exam in June. It's damn fast. I had to continue to work hard. Coping with sports and academics. Balance them well, after that concentrate on my studies.

The girls, missing judith and bethanie.

on our way to the first house...

20th dec, Christmas Carolling @ Potong Pasir area. After all the practices, everyone did their best during the carolling. Thank God for all the good voices. I enjoyed myself and this is the first time i go for carolling. Went to 5 houses. First house we went to was Deborah's house follwed by, someone's house in potong pasir ave 1, Pastor's house, butterfly ave and last house was at serangoon, alex's house. Ate quite a lot of food. It's delicious! All the food are so nice and yummy. Sang quite a number of songs. Every house we went to, we will sing 3-4 songs. The last song we sang was 12 days of Christmas. That's a long song. everyone had fun as we keep on having nice food at different houses. Finished carolling, Geradine's parents fetch us to east coast and I stayed overnight. thanks for the ride.

Being Loved at
Monday, December 22, 2008

♥Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friendly match with Nan Yang. 15-12. lost. Anyway it wasn't much on the losing side but we had a team talk for like 2 hours. This was the longest talked. We talked a lot. I said everything out and the truth about the team. I asked the team to say whatever they are not happy. Just say it out instead of keeping it to themselves. No point keeping it. If you are not happy, just say it out. You will feel better. Sometimes I feel that i'm too much. Like what you girls had said just now. I know you all got a lot to say to us. We are angry that you all never put in much effort during training. Always talk and talk. I know the two pitches are trying your best, just don't keep on talking, focus. I've said a lot today already. don't want to continue saying. you all know yourself well. once you say, you have to do it. don't keep on depend on us.

Being Loved at
Thursday, December 11, 2008

♥Saturday, December 06, 2008

Today is MY HOPE SINGAPORE. can't go anyway, had to work..
WHAT A NEW DAY AGAIN. Time passes so fast and my N level results is out on the 18 DEC 08. Just before Muzfirah's birthday. I can't wait for my results. Everything is on God's hand already. I just have to wait for it and I hope it will turn out better. The results I wanted, hopefully go sec 5 and study hard. After that go Poly to master in sports management. To be a Physiotherapist. okay. shall write about yesterday!

5 Dec 08: Worship Night Away! It was a great devotion and get together. Different worship bands have their time together talking about how we can improve on the worships. I was in Grace's band which is called band A. Jasmine said this-" Can't believe that Grace is teaching us and telling us some of the gospel that we should be applying to the worship.'' It talks about Attitude Of Execllency. What must we do to make the band itself a wonderful team together? There are quite a lot of things that we should be doing, like punctuality, work together, be committed, have a band outing! etc. The technical and spiritually. Both have to be done, therefore the band can be interesting and full of excitement. I realise that our band is full of girls and only one guy, seto. hahas. The other thing is Band A have the most junior people. So we are like the more younger ones in terms of skills. It's okay, we play for God and not for man. That's the most important ascepts. When we are playing, we had to play with our hearts out to God. Feel the music following.. That will be damn cool. Dinner was provided, had pizza. Had Fun and we took class photo, but not the full strength though. Grace still have some difficulities differentiate who is who. Sigh. It's okay grace.. You will get it sooner or later. yeah! HOME>>>

Being Loved at
Saturday, December 06, 2008

♥Friday, November 21, 2008

@ the beach :D

YESTERDAY IS OUR 3RD DAY CAMP AT SENTOSA!! We played amazing race. Our starting point is at Vivo city and we took the trian to sentosa beach first. MY group name is SUNSHINE! hahas. Task is to interview tourist etc. We bought the train and first thing we do is to take a picture with a sentosa personeel. haha. Bought the sentosa train and we saw Australia tourist. So we interviewd them. Amanda took the interview, it was damn funny and cool. hahas. Both are brothers. They are so cute. Next task is to go SILOSO Beach to take pictures with a bikini babe and hunk. It was difficult. We managed to complete it tough. Finished, went to our next desitnation which is the Tiger Sky Tower. Took the Train to the next station and after that, took a SKYRIDE down to Palawan Beach to record the sound of the birds and the feeding time. Finally our mission accomplished! haha. Went to have lunch @ Koufu and walked to SILOSO beach to play beach volleyball. played till 7 plus then go home. We HAd A lot of FUN! AT first it was kinda boring but after a while we get the hang of it. Played with some guys, They were quite good with volleyball. melanie, me, elaine, amanda and unice played with them. We mixed together so that they could helped us. haha. Washed up and out of sentosa to have our dinner @ vivo Banquet. HOME SWEET HOME!
one word to describe[ Fabulous] haha. we will plan another outing soon!

Being Loved at
Friday, November 21, 2008

wirtting on paper plates of each other AFI and other encouraging words
miss tham and miss tan plus jazimah :D
Syah together with the twins!

The past few days was FANTASTIC!!!! This year SOFTBALL CAMP ROCKS! Even tough it's just 3 days 1 night. During camp, we had training first, as usual then lunch. After lunch, went to have games. We played Frisbee and Handball. It was a challenge for frisbee as I'm not really good at it. yup. To throw a proper way is, the frisbee must be parallel to the ground and you use your wrist to just throw it and there it goes. A nice and Straight contact. Games ended and now is the time to go shop for our food! We are divided into two groups to cook for our own dinner. My group consist of my sis, siyin, annabel, jazimah, melanie and peggy. Peggy came to help us. So nice of her. We head of to Clementi FairPrice to buy our groceries. My group planned to cook baked rice instead of vegetarian pasta. We bought quite a number of foods, plus desserts to be part of our dinner too. Teachers paid the money and our group only spent $50..... unlike betts group, they spent more than us. The budget for us is $50 at most. okay. Off we go and back to school to cook our own dinner. It took us an hour to finish preparing and cooking. Now it's time for the two Teachers to try our food. MY group won the main dish and amanda's group won the desserts. yup. Amanda's group baked brownie with hersesy chocolate on top. It was delicious. yummy! Finally we can bathe! All of us were damn sticky and smelling. Bathe finished, packed stuffs and ready to watch movie at the AVA room. We watched [ Remember The Titans]. It was a remembrance of their teammate Grey. This movie is about team bonding and co-operative between the blacks and whites. They had a Camp druning the summer break i guess. They had two coaches. The Head coach was a Black and Assistant Coach was a white. Both coaches are communicating well but their students aren't. It was a difficult time for them. The team Titans fought together to win severals games. The head coach told them, he doesn't care what race are you, no matter what, all are in the same team. As time passes, the team relationship got better and better. They train real Hard and work together as a team. The game have Defence and Offence. The two coaches took different postition to coach them. At first, the blacks and white are not communicating well enough but as time goes on, I saw the developing of friendship among them. Friends and team work means a lot to them. Without these, they could not continue with the games and training. Their trainging paid off. The team Titans had to wake up early in the morning 3am just to go jogging and running. If they are lost in the forest, they had to find their way back. That's what their coach said. That's about the movie. This movie is really meaningful and it teaches us the ascpets of the mental and physical strength. light's out.

DAY 2, woke up @ 7am. ate bannan then miss Tham asked as to go for jogging in the field. At first she wanted to bring us out for a run but melanie don't have sports shoes. okay. Jog 3 rounds and do warm up. after warm up, run 4.5km. We got 12 people and we planned and split into 2 groups. one group consist 6 people. each of us ran half and after the 13 round, 1/4. yup. That was a good strategy. Well done girls. We did it within 13.30 mins to complete 4.5km. A total of 15 rounds. Continue to work hard towards your goal. All of us went to have Breakfast then coach came and he ate breakfast too. haha. After having breakfast, take out equpiments and start training. Machine Batting. We did Bunding all the way and after many rounds, coach changed to fielding. This time fielding, everyone did their best not to drop any balls. It was a great day. :D Lunch, Bonding time. We had to pick 2 cards that says a person's character. I picked humble and Capable. The person i'm talking is amanda. I hope she will be doing fine for next year's game. We will keep supproting you. End of camp.

Being Loved at
Friday, November 21, 2008

♥Sunday, August 17, 2008

IT was a really great morning in church today as our church invited a band called CTI.YF was fun and pastor asked us to pray for the churches in singapore, the foregin workers, the people around you whom have not known the word of jesus and more. I think they came from US or AUS. The band played well and perform a skit to show us what is like when you abandoned God. The skit was a little like the one I had watched at GodTube. Haha. Then head off for bible study class. It was interesting, as Michelle wanted us to do an advertisement on Rev. chapter 20 & 21. She split us into 3 different groups then we start our mind mapping. Read Rev. chp 20 &21, tells us about the 12 gates, book of life and river of life. After that, went for service. Service was meaningful as the pastor preached the gospel of Joshua 6. The war of Jericho and many more.


Being Loved at
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Women's Marathon gold claimed by Tomescu

Updated: 2008-08-17 10:53:16
Women's Marathon gold claimed by Tomescu
Tomescu of Romania celebrates winning the Women's Marathon Final. (Photo Credit:Getty Images)

(BEIJING, August 17) -- Romanian Constantina Tomescu crossed the finish line of the Women's Marathon to claim the title at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2 hours 26.44 minutes on August 17.

Women's Marathon gold claimed by Tomescu
Constantina Tomescu crossing the finish line of Women's Marathon. (Photo Credit:Guo Dayue/Xinhua)

"It was a great performance. I'm very happy to win a medal, but especially the gold. At the World Championships in Canada (2005 World Half-Marathon Championships), everybody said I couldn't run, but I showed today what I can do," said the victor.

"The gold medal, for me, it is great," Tomescu added.

World champion Catherine Ndereba of Kenya came in second, clocking 2 hours 27.06 minutes, adding another silver to her success from Athens 2004.

"I feel great, and feel good for the win. In fact, I'm very happy," said Ndereba.

"To win a silver in my second Olympics, I can't take that for granted," she continued.

Women's Marathon gold claimed by Tomescu
Catherine Ndereba celebrates second place in the Women's Marathon. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Zhou Chunxiu of China, silver medalist at the 2007 World Championships, ran a time of 2 hours 27.07 minutes to take bronze ahead of her compatriot Zhu Xiaolin, who completed the event in 2 hours 27.16 minutes.

The world record of 2 hours 15.25 minutes in this event was set by Paula Radcliffe from Great Britain in 2003.

US wins Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay gold with new WR

(BEIJING, August 17) -- Michael Phelps won his record eighth gold medal in the Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay final on Sunday but this time needed some help from his friends.

The US team of Aaron Peirsol, Brendan Hansen, Jason Lezak and Phelps won at the National Aquatics Center in a time of 3:29.34 and in doing so broke the world record by 1.34 seconds.

The defending Olympic champions and world record holders led from start to finish.

Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay: Phelps wins record eighth gold
(L-R) Hansen, Phelps, Peirsol and Lezak hold the American flag (Photo credit: Al Bello/Getty Images)

Peirsol gave them a great start with a 53.16sec split. Hansen increased the lead on the world record split taking it 0.39 seconds under at the race's halfway mark. Brenton Rickard swam his breaststroke leg in 58.56, faster than Hansen, to bring the Australians into second place.

Phelps fought off the Australian challenge in the Butterfly leg before Lezak kept Eamon Sullivan on his shoulder until the wall.

The Australian team of Hayden Stoeckel, Andrew Lauterstein, Rickard and Sullivan finished 0.70 seconds behind the US to win silver in an Oceania record 3:30.04, also under the old world record.

Australia went into the race as world champions but only as beneficiaries of a US disqualification at the 2007 world championships.

Japan's team of Miyashita Junichi, Kitajima Kosuke, Fujii Takuro and Sato Hisayoshi took bronze in an Asian record 3:31.18.

Russia finished fourth in a European record 3:31.92.

Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold

Updated: 2008-08-16 22:52:51
Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt celebrates next to the scoreboard. (Photo credit: Alexander Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty Images)

Usain Bolt of Jamaica broke the world record to win the Men's 100m gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games here Saturday evening.

Bolt clocked 9.69 seconds to beat his own previous world mark of 9.72 to be crowned the fastest man in the world.

Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago finished second in 9.89 seconds and Walter Dix of the United States got bronze in 9.91 seconds.

Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt (R) crosses the line. (Photo credit: Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images)
Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt celebrates after his win. (Photo credit: Xinhua)
Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt(R) celebrates as he approaches the line. (Photo credit: Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images)
Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt (R3) gestures prior to the Men's 100m final. (Photo credit: Xinhua)
Photos: Jamaica's Bolt breaks world record to win Men's 100m Olympic gold
Usain Bolt celebrates after his win. (Photo credit: Xinhua)

Being Loved at
Sunday, August 17, 2008

♥Saturday, August 16, 2008

The month of August is the Olympic Season!! I'm so engrossed with it especially for Athletics, Swimming and Tennis events. At the same time, i have to study too. I could not neglect my studies as N level is just round the corner. In just two weeks time! The past 3 days having Prelims for language papers and social studies. I find that my school's system is extremely weird. They should have make the other papers next week instead of after our actual N level for language papers and social studies. The other prelims papers are in 8 Sept - 11 Sept. I don't even have the time to study. I guess i need to plan well and do it right.

Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final

Updated: 2008-08-16 01:40:42
Photos: Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final
Rafael Nadal returns to Novak Djokovic. (Photo credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images)

Rafael Nadal of Spain defeated Novak Djokovic of Serbia in the Men's semifinal Tennis Match at the Olympic Green Tennis Center on Day 7 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 15, 2008 in Beijing, China.

Photos: Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final
Rafael Nadal returns to Novak Djokovic. (Photo credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images)
Photos: Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final
Novak Djokovic returns a backhand against Rafael Nadal. (Photo credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images)
Photos: Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final
Rafael Nadal reacts while taking on Novak Djokovic. (Photo credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images)
Photos: Rafael Nadal enters Men's Tennis final
Rafael Nadal celebrates after defeating Novak Djokovic. (Photo credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images)

(BEIJING, August 16) -- Rafael Nadal of Spain defeated Novak Djokovic of Serbia in a thrilling 6-4, 1-6, 6-4 Men's semifinal on Friday evening at the Olympic Green Tennis Center to become just the third Spanish player in Olympic history to reach the final of the Men's Singles competition.

He will face Fernando Gonzalez of Chile, with whom he has a 3-3 head-to-head record, on Sunday, August 17, in the Men's Singles final.

GONZALEZ Fernando and NADAL Rafael in the FINALS on sunday,Monday morning 4am. World seeded 12 and 2 will battle out in the finals. i hope Nadal will win.!!

Phelps steps closer with seventh gold!!! He still has one more event left and has already broke Mark Spitz's record of 7 golds in one game. That's fantastic.

Isinbaeva heads Women's Pole Vault to enter semifinals.

The reigning Olympic gold medalist powered 4.60 meters holding off the other 8 qualifiers with 4.50 meters.

The world record of 5.04m in this event was set by Isinbaeva herself in July 2008.


Being Loved at
Saturday, August 16, 2008